Sheikh Hassan Dahir’s message to the government and oppositions released in a video.

Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, one of the former al-Shabab leaders, who is under the custody of central government spoke out the current situation in the country in a video released.

Speaking to those oppositions, he called them to stay away from any act of controversy that may send bad signals to the citizens and create chaos.

“Any form of hot speech that can cause conflict among the people should be avoided,” he said. “Your words must be constructive and not destructive.”

He also urged the government to lessen the tension.

On the other hand, Dahir praised how the Ahlu Sunna successfully managed to maintain peace in its stronghold districts and the role they played in reconciliating those clans who fought in Hiiraan region.

Sheikh Hassan has been under the custody of the Somali government since the presidency of Hassan Sheikh Mohamud after refusing to openly admit his al-Shabab involvement although he was defector who surrendered to the government.


Office Network

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