Author : admin
2404 Posts -
Kenya issues ultimatum to UN to close camps housing almost 400,000 refugees :-The Guardian
Kenya has once again threatened to close two huge refugee camps in the country, in a move that has alarmed the UN refugee agency (UNHCR)...
Farmaajo oo Madaxda Dowlad Goboleed iyo Gobolka Banaadir isugu yeeray & Puntland oo …
Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo ayaa caawa mar kale isugu yeeray madaxweynayaasha 5ta Dowlad Goboleed iyo Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir . Wasiirka warfaafinta...
Horn of Africa: EU, IOM help 12,000 migrants in 4 years AA
ANKARA—Marking four years of cooperation with the EU, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Tuesday said it supported over 12,000 vulnerable migrants, including children, across...
What UAE’s growing presence in Somaliland means for its Horn of Africa strategy – Al-Monitor
Abdullah Muhammad al-Naqbi was sworn in on March 17 as director of the United Arab Emirates Trade Office in Somaliland. This appointment sparked immediate controversy...
Autism in Somali community – myth-busting short films offer advice and top tips for parents Uni of Bristol
A series of five evidence-based short films and factsheets about autism for the Somali community have been launched by National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)...
Board slams Somali region after it threatened to boycott election The Reporter
The National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) slammed the regional state of Somali following the latter’s claim that it will not take part in the...
Columbus’ Somali leaders push for better access to COVID-19 vaccine – WCMH
COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) – Columbus leaders are hoping to promote access to the COVID-19 vaccine by bringing clinics directly to at-risk communities. “This is a...