Dowlada Shiinaha oo kamid ah Dowladaha Caalamka ugu awooda badan ayaa lagu eedeeyay in ay basaasto xarunta Midowga Afrika ee kuyaala magaalada Adis Ababa ee...
The African Union mission in Somalia’s planned withdrawal of 21,000 troops from the extremist-threatened Horn of Africa nation by 2020 cannot be met without urgent...
Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cismaan oo ku magac dheer Eng.Yariisow ma aha nin ku cusub saaxadda siyaasadda Soomaaliya, waxana uu muddo la soo shaqaynayey dawladihii kala danbeeyey...
Ethiopia – Somalia on Friday expressed its support for Turkey’s military operation in Syria’s Afrin. Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad spoke to Anadolu Agency on the...
The Somali government said on Wednesday it will establish the first-ever ICT body, the National Communications Authority (NCA), to help regulate the country’s telecommunication sector....
As an undercover operative for Somalia’s al Shabaab militia, Nasteh spied on the insurgent group’s senior commanders to ensure their loyalty and planned bombings and...
The US State Department is offering to fund a nearly USD600,000 (Sh61,600,000) programme which seeks to address a perceived link between Kenyan male identity and...
Security agents are grappling with the resurgence of Al-Shabaab attacks in Lamu County. The militants have turned the county into a playground, often launching explosives...
Al-Shabaab militants destroyed a Hormuud Telecom communication mast located in Elwak, Mandera County, on Saturday at 2am, disrupting communication in the area. The town is...