Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s government said on Monday it had captured another town in the northern Tigray region after nearly two weeks of fighting...
The Tigray People’s Liberation Front has admitted firing rockets on towns in neighbouring Amhara state and warned it will fire more on Eritrea, which it...
Waxaa magaalada Muqdisho lagu qabtay munaasabad balaaran oo lagu taageerayay Ismaaciil Xasan Isaaq oo loo yaqaan AMB Ismaaciil Geesacadde oo isku soo sharaxay Xubinimada Xildhibaanimo...
ADDIS ABABA/AL FASHQA, Sudan (Reuters) – The United Nations voiced concern on Friday that the conflict between Ethiopian government forces and insurgent northern leaders could...
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. Security Council voted Thursday to prevent the sale or shipment to Somalia of components of improvised explosive devices if...