Author : admin
2404 Posts -
Mogadishu mayor dies after attack in office
MOGADISHU, Somalia — Somalia’s government says the mayor of Mogadishu has died after being badly wounded in an al-Shabab extremist attack in his office last...
Funds to Kenya troops in Somalia halved
The European Union (EU) and its partners refunded Kenya Sh4.3 billion for its troops fighting Al-Shabaab militia in Somalia in the fiscal year ended June...
UN: Somali refugees unwilling to leave Dadaab to return home
The United Nations says fewer and fewer refugees show interest in leaving the Dadaab refugee camps in Northern Kenya and returning home to Somalia. Some...
Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo laga yaabo hal arin darteyd in ay u tagaan Dhuusomareeb
Kooxda Ahlu Sunna ee maamusha magaalada Dhuusomareeb ayaa wali ka biyo diidan in magaaladaasi la geeyo ciidamo ka socda dowlada federaalka Soomaaliya oo loogu tala...