Author : admin
2403 Posts -
A few ideas for your political campaigns, Your Excellences – Liban Obsiye
Somali politicians have already started their political campaigns and by January 2020 it is certain that campaign activism will increase. In terms of channeling messaging,...
Axmed Hayaan “Ubadka Soomaalida ee ku dhaqan Zwolle iyo nawaaxigeeda waxaan ka caawinaa waxbarashadda”
Guddoomiyaha guddiga jaaliyadda Soomaalida ku dhaqan magaalada Zwolle iyo magaalooyinka ku dhowdhow Axmed Hayaan, oo ka hadlayey munaasabadda sannad dugsiyeedka cusub, ee ardayda wax ka...
Somali army kills 8 al-Shabab militants in southern regions
MOGADISHU, Sept. 11 (Xinhua) — Eight al-Shabab fighters were killed on Tuesday night during a fierce counter offensive with Somali government forces in Garbaharey town...