Author : admin
2403 Posts -
Inside Kenya’s silent push as Jubaland all set for elections
The region of Jubaland in neighbouring Somalia will tomorrow elect a new president as the Kenya government covertly intensifies its support for incumbent Ahmed Islam...
Ilhan Omar compares Israel to South Africa during apartheid Washington Examiner
Rep. Ilhan Omar compared the Israeli government’s banning her from entering the country to South Africa’s denying a congressional member entry for being black during...
Dowlada Federaalka oo Qoraal Xasaasi ah kasoo saartay Doorashada Jubbaland (Akhriso)
War qoraal ah oo goordhaw kasoo baxay Wasaarada Arimaha Gudaha iyo Federaalka ayaa lagu sheegay in aysan dowladu aqoonsan doonin natiijo walbo oo kasoo baxda...