Over the years, the Shabab, a terrorist group in East Africa that has pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda, has banned music, cinemas, satellite dishes and...
Toronto-based Somali Canadian youth activist Habon Ali was appointed to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Youth Advisory Council in June. Muslim Link interviewed Habon about her...
Cabdikariim Sheekh Muuse (Qalbi Dhagax) oo ka tirsanaa jabhada ONLF ayaa maalmo ka hor laga sii daayey xabsiga, waxayna sii deyntiisa weji gabax ku noqotay...
Between 2013 and 2016, Somalia experienced the hype and disappointment of “Vision 2016,” metaphor for “political reform” that prioritized three tasks: 1. the review and completion of...
On Saturday, June 23, hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians rallied in the famous Meskel Square, located at the heart of the capital city Addis Ababa....
Representatives of Minnesota’s Muslim community gathered Tuesday to condemn the U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding President Donald Trump’s travel ban. The ban would affect travel...
When Kenya closed its border with Somalia in 2014, most Mandera County residents thought it was a short-term measure to curb Shabaab terror attacks. This,...