Author : admin
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Senior AMISOM military officers meet to review operations – AMISOM
Senior military officers from the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) are meeting in Mogadishu to review security operations in the Horn of Africa country,...
Guards on Hong Kong-flagged ship repel pirates off Somalia coast: EU force – Reuters
NAIROBI (Reuters) – Security guards aboard a Hong Kong-flagged cargo ship repelled an attack by pirates in a gunbattle off Somalia’s coast this week, the...
Dining Out: Mama Asha Cafe offers comforting Somali cuisine – Edmonton Journal
Saharla Aden is the owner of Mama Asha Cafe, which specializes in Somali cuisine. Greg Southam / Postmedia It’s always a pleasure to seek out...
Dood Qaran: Xiriirka iyo Wadashaqeynta Dowladda Federaalka iyo Dowlad Goboleedyada (Sawirro)
Madasha Talo-Wadaag ayaa Dood qaran oo ku saabsan xiriirka iyo wadashaqeynta Dowladda Federaalka iyo Dowlad Goboleedyada ku qabatay Magaalada Muqdisho. Doodaas oo ay ka soo...
Turkish entrepreneurs group opens office in Somalia – Anadolu Agency
The largest association of independent businesspeople in Turkey has opened an office in Somalia as part of its drive to expand into Africa. The Independent...
Leaders take State to task after Mandera Al-Shabaab attack – Daily Nation
Less than a week after two teachers were killed in an Al-Shabaab raid at Arabia Boys Secondary School, the local leadership is now blaming the...
Gudoomiye Barnaamij : “Waxan bogaadin booqashada iyo howsha Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ka soo qabtay Hirshabeelle”
Guudoomiyaha Golaha Badbaadada Hirshabeelle (GBH) Mudane C/qaadir Maxamed Cusmaan(Barnaamij) ayaa bogaadiyay booqashada taariikhiga ah ee Ra’iisul Wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre iyo wafdiga uu horkacayay ee...
Somali man challenges detention in Strafford County jail – Fosters
DOVER — With the help of the American Civil Liberties Union of New Hampshire, a Somali national living in Maine is challenging his near seven-month...
First commercial flight in 40 years links Ethiopia to Somalia AFP
An Ethiopian airline on Saturday made the first commercial flight between Addis Ababa and Mogadishu in 41 years, in yet another sign of warming ties...