COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) – Columbus leaders are hoping to promote access to the COVID-19 vaccine by bringing clinics directly to at-risk communities. “This is a...
The Trump administration’s movement of most U.S. troops out of Somalia to other countries in Africa “probably” had “significant downsides,” a Pentagon official said Thursday....
Wadiiqooyinka Loo Xallin Karo Ismaandhaafka :- Inkastoo kala taagnaan ay jirto, lana kala aamin baxay, haddana, qaabab badan oo labada dhinac ay meel dhexe isugu...
NAIROBI, Kenya—Kenya Friday affirmed that it has decided not to participate in the Maritime Delimitation Case (Somalia v Kenya) hearing currently ongoing at the International...
Somali National Army (SNA) on Thursday arrested six al-Shabab militants in an offensive in Lower Shabelle, Somalia’s southern region, a military officer confirmed. The army...